Sometimes we cannot help it, and we pick energy that isn't for us to carry. It can manifest itself as us being tired, cranky or emputadas for no reason. Or sometimes people just be hatin' hard, and you want to clear yourself of those haterade and Hater Nation vibes.
This candle is black to absorb all energy that is not for you to carry nor hold on to. Use this affirmation candle when you are ready to let go of envidia, malas vibras, and need an overall reset to protect your energy.
"This Cabrona is Ready" Bundle includes what you need to manifest what you want. Included in your bundle are:
- 2 Sage leaves to cleanse your candle, space and self as you activate and light your candle for the first time. Sage is sacred medicine for indigenous people, myself included. Please buy ethically sourced sage, and use it with respect, and reverence for the plant, and the people to who it is sacred.
- Obsidian crystal bead to absorb any and all negativity or energy that does not belong to you. Obsidian is a strongly protective stone that helps to absorb negativity around you. It allows you the space to heal by transforming and transmuting what is not serving for your Highest Good.
- Pack of incense as an offering to your well Ancestors, Spirit Guides, or whatever benevolent energy helps you, because Cabrona we don't do this alone.
- Incense holder for your incense to catch the ash, 'cuz you're not a dirty Cabrona.
- Manifestation Postcard to write a note of loving gratitude to your future self for manifesting your intention. This is a powerful tool to help align your Higher Self with the universe to help you in making it happen.
- Book of matches to light your sage leaves and candle. Matches allow the flow of your intention's energy naturally as opposed to a lighter. Don't know how to light a match--time to learn!
Make sure to visit our "Aprende Cabrona" section so you learn how to cleanse and activate your candle. Also, learn how to use your Obsidian crystal bead for maximum protection, and what to do with it once your candle finishes burning.
(Pen in picture not included in Bundle. Intended for picture opp--a Cabrona was trying to give you inspo ;P )